Old horse corral

Old horse corral

Topic: old horse corral
Thesis: an old horse corral aroused my curiosity.
Conclusion: Old remains are very interesting.

I. Thesis
II. Looked at it
a. looks like
b. delapidated
III. Stood inside
a. why
b. beetle
IV. Conclusion

I saw the remains of an old horse corral while walking in the foothills. As soon as I noticed it, I went to look at it out of curiosity.

When I came to it, I walked around it and looked at it. It looked like a bunch of delapidated posts. The wood was rotten from years under the weather.

The posts formed a ring which must have been a full fence long ago. I found a gap in the fence and climbed into the ring. It felt like a separate place, like a room.

I saw an old horse corral and was curious about it. Old remains arouse my curiosity.

Q. Some would say that living 500 years would be desireable. Others would disagree. Would you want to live 500 years?
Q. Tell 3 words to describe your room.

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