Telephone and teleport

Telephone and teleport

Topic: Diff between telephone and teleport

Thesis: They have a couple important differences.
Conclusion: Keep in mind that you CAN telephone to the moon, but you CAN’T teleport to the moon (yet).

I. Thesis
II. Telephone
a. how it works
b. invented already
III. Teleport
a. how it works
b. not yet invented
IV. Conclusion

Don’t confuse ‘telephone’ and ‘teleport’. These two technologies have a couple important differences.

Telephone is for voice calls and IM. It works by wire or wireless signal. Telephone has already been invented, and they are common today.

Teleport is for transporting a physical object instantly across space. This technology has not yet been invented. It only exists in fiction.

In conclusion, if today you want to telephone to the moon you can, but if you want to teleport to the moon you can’t.

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