Why images may look the way they look

Why images may look the way they look

Are you creative? Do your interests change, or stay the same? Is imagination useful?  Explain your answer. What filter apps make cute selfies?

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Do you know why mario has a big nose and mustache?  It’s because early game creators needed to show Mario’s face with only a few pixels.

The things you remember may influence your imagination.  Today, many people still make art which looks like those old games.  It’s called ‘pixel art’.

Cartoon characters are drawn simply, without a lot of detail.  One reason for this is that it makes them more relatable.  You can imagine yourself in their place.

Images can be made to look a certain way for a reason.  The reason can be a limitation, like in Mario’s case.  Or it may be the artist’s imagination and the way your mind sees.

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