Things I want to know how to make

Things I want to know how to make

Sometimes I want to make something but don’t know how. Here are two things that I want to know how to make.

I want to know how to make my own clothes. In order to do this I would need to be able to operate a sewing machine. I want to try to learn this, because then I could make my own unique and creative clothing designs.

I also want to know how to make computer programs. I would need to learn some computer languages. But if I did, then I could make programs to help me work. For example, I would make an app for easily printing information cards about each of the students at my center.

It is frustrating to have a good idea, but to not have the particular skill needed to make it happen.

Q. Are you unique? How so? Is it important for clothing to be unique?
Q. What skill would you like to have? What would you do with that skill?

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