Wrist watch

Wrist watch

The other day I forgot my wrist watch at home when I went to work. I always wear the wrist watch, so it felt weird to not have it on me.

I kept checking my wrist out of habit, and then remembering that it wasn’t there. I did this over and over. Whenever I would think about the time, my hand would automatically move up to my face.

On the weekends, I like to go for long walks. I carry a backpack with only a few things inside. I don’t put a lot in there because I don’t want to carry a heavy backpack.

I don’t want to fill my life with things I don’t need either. I wish I could simplify my life so everything was as easy and comfortable as possible.

Q. Do you have a schedule written down? I used to, but not anymore. Would you say that you are well-organized?
Q. What is your plan for tomorrow? How would you define a successful day?

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