Train travel

Train travel

Topic: train travel

Thesis: two things I like about train travel.


Train travel isn’t the only way to get to LA, but it is the way I prefer.  Here are two things that I like about traveling by train.

First, I like that on the train I encounter people who I normally don’t.

On the train I can find tourists from other countries, Amish people, and travelers young and old.  Tourists and travelers like to ride the train because it goes slowly over land so you can see more of the landscape.  Many older people who are train enthusiasts will ride the train because they love the experience of train travel.  Amish people are a religious group that does not use cars, so you see a lot of them on the train.

Q. who would you like to meet?


Second, I like that coffee is served in the lounge car.

The lounge car is a part of the train.  The windows in the lounge car are bigger, and the seats face the windows.  Passenger go there to watch the landscape and mingle with other passengers.  Downstairs from the lounge area is a tiny cafe that serves coffee.  It also serves sweets and packaged snacks.

Train travel is great for many reasons, but these two reasons are my favorite.

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