The effect of a river on a person

The effect of a river on a person

Topic: living by the river

Thesis: living by the river has an effect on a person.


A river is a powerful force in many ways.  Living beside a river has an effect on a person.

The river affects a person’s thinking.  

They can throw a stick in the moving water and watch it drift away, and their thoughts go after it.  Where does the river go?  It makes its winding path to the sea.  Their thoughts drift out to sea and touch every continent.  The world of their thinking becomes much wider because of the river.

Q. The best thing you can do to give a child a good life is ______.


The river affects a person’s heart.  

The river is constantly going, and a person who lives by the river will feel the urge to let everything go and to go with the river.  Their footsteps may follow along the bank of the river, or maybe they will build a boat and float down the river.  They experience the same pull in the direction of the sea.

The river is a powerful force and it affects a person who lives beside it.  The effect on their mind and heart can drastically shape the course their life takes.

Q. Some say that life is simpler if you stay single forever.  Others say it’s better to find a partner.  Which do you agree with?

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