What I like about NM

What I like about NM


There are many things that I like and don’t like about New Mexico.  However, this week has reminded me of a couple things that I do like about it here.

One thing that I really like about New Mexico is its wide open spaces. 

Out of the 50 states, New Mexico ranks 45th in population density.  Here there are still a lot of wide open empty places where there aren’t a lot of people.  Also, the landscape doesn’t obstruct the view like it does when you live in the mountains or in a forest.  In the high desert, you can look and see the horizon 16 km away, like a flat line except for a few bumps.  

Since there are places without many people, you can have privacy.  I wanted to hide a box of sentimental things, and I was going to bury them in a location in the desert.  I got an airtight plastic container and even dug a hole, but in the end decided to ask my friend to keep the things instead.

Q. Is it better to ride the train or the bus?


I also really like that I can do my own thing, even if it is different.  

What I mean by ‘do my own thing’ is just living my life my own way.  I wanted to paint something on my truck, and I did.  I make tacos.  I walk the drainage ditches and take photos.  I work just enough and keep my expenses low so I can have more free time.  

I would like to spend more time on learning new skills.  I wish I could code with Python.  Maybe I should resolve to do a little bit of study each day.

In conclusion, while there are many things to like (and dislike) about NM, this week I was thinking about a couple of the things I like.

Q. I’m not good at _____

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