See every sunrise

See every sunrise

Topic: sunrise
thesis: seeing the sunrise every morning would be a beneficial habit.

I. Intro
II. Cost
III. Benefit
IV. Conclusion


Habit is what I want to write about today.  They are patterns of behavior we do without even thinking.  Forming a good habit and keeping it up can be great, but it isn’t easy.  For example, I wonder how different a person’s life would be if they watched the sunrise every morning?

The person who sees every sunrise must get to bed on time every night and get up when their alarm clock rings every morning.  They would put on their clothes and go outside even in the cold.  They would need to do it 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 

I was almost to Truth or Consequences, but I needed to stop for the night because it was getting too dark to keep driving.  In the morning I walked further up the dirt road to the top of the hill.  There was an old-looking windmill at the top.  It looked like a place for cattle to drink water.  I walked around for a little bit and took some pictures of the sunrise.   

Q. agree or disagree: everyone should get up early every morning.


Imagine the benefit, though.  If someone really watched the sunrise every morning, their life would benefit enormously.  They would probably be more productive, since they are awake at dawn.  They would probably be more at peace, since they watch something beautiful every day.  Maybe watching the days begin will give them a better perspective on life.

Watching every sunrise would be a habit that changes your life for the better.  Forming good habits is beneficial, but it isn’t easy.

As I pulled into Truth or Consequences later that morning, I felt excited to be there.  I went to Wal mart first.  This wal mart felt both familiar and strange; it looked similar to the wal mart in my city, but it wasn’t the same.  After wal mart, I went to get a coffee at the gas station.  This gas station had a cafe in the same building.  Outside the window there was the gas pumps and cars filling up. 

Q. what movie have you watched recently?

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