Anywhere tacos

Anywhere tacos

topic: not having a kitchen
thesis: can still cook good food and costs less.

I. Intro
II. wherever you may be
III. easy and delicious
IV. Conclusion


When you rent an apartment, a big part of what you are paying for is the kitchen– that is, somewhere to store and prepare food. But you don’t really need a kitchen to cook. You can easily make delicious food anywhere you go.

Most kitchens are located in 1 place and can’t move. However, if you have a frying pan and burner then you can take that anywhere. With just that, you can go anywhere and cook a delicious meal.

With an apartment kitchen, you’re paying for more than you need. Most studio apartments come with a sink, a refrigerator, pantry and multi-burner stove. I just have a frying pan and a single burner stove in my vehicle.

For refrigeration, one thing to mention is that it is Winter so it’s cold outside. In addition, the only food I buy which needs to be stored at cold temperature is bacon, and I can buy that in smaller portions so I use it up quickly. All my food can be stored in a normal box.

As for sink, I have water and can rinse something out and pour that water on the ground. If I wanted to do more I could buy a bucket to wash things in.

Q. Where do you like to eat and why?


I usually buy food for about 3 days at a time. I always get apples, bacon, cheese, eggs and corn tortillas. I keep it all in a small box and it stays in the back of my truck. When I’m hungry I make a taco.

First, I light the burner and keep the flame low. I put bacon in the pan first. As the bacon fat melts in the pan, I place the corn tortillas in the bacon fat. I put shredded cheese on the tortillas and cover it with another tortilla. When the corn tortilla on bottom looks crispy, I flip it over. Then I crack an egg in the pan. When the egg is done, I put it all together and eat it like a taco.

There are many other meals that can be prepared with only a pan and a single burner stove. Unlike for a kitchenette, you can take this anywhere and cook. Best of all, you only pay for the food and the gas so it costs very little. I laugh at my happy condition, only paying for what I need.

Q. Life would be a lot easier if _.

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