Brown garden

Brown garden


The brown garden behind the gym is not empty.  If you go there you will find it is full of things. 

They may not be green growing things in December.  They may be brown things.  They may be dead things.  But you step on the soft layer of wood chips and organic debris, and you think that the ground is full of insects and microorganisms.

Your cushioned foot steps pass through the gate.  The cabbage that was left behind and forgotten is still alive.  The metal roof panels are rusting and bent up at the corners from years of wind.  The buckets and plastic tubing are resting on the ground where they were dropped.  There haven’t been people here for a while.

Are there mice in the weeds?  Maybe they are sleeping in cozy nests.  Maybe the foot steps woke them up and they are laying awake and listening.  Your feet stop beside a weed pile.  It looks warm inside.  What is there in the brown garden?  There are many things that you don’t see because they are hidden. 

Q. What is something about your self that most people don’t know?


While walking in the brown garden, there were also many things you find absent.  There are no voices talking.  There are no engines rumbling.  There is no concrete under your feet.  You relax for a moment and look around you.  

What is there instead?  In your head there are observations.  The colors of Winter that looks so different than the color of buildings. The sound carries differently without walls.  Things that you didn’t notice before but notice now.  

Many things in the brown garden are only seen when you notice them.  They aren’t hidden, but you only see them if you think of them.  There are many ideas in the brown garden.  

Q. What was in your head today?

There are many things in the brown garden, many hidden and unnoticed things. 

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