Rock collecting

Rock collecting

Rock collecting
Topic: rock collecting
Thesis: We went to the South Valley did diff things
Conclusion: were both happy

I. Intro
II. Jeremy collect rocks
a. looking down
b. heavy jacket
III. Yoshua take photos of trees
a. looking up
b. beautiful leaves
IV. Conclusion

Jeremy and I went down to the South Valley, him to collect interesting rocks, and me to take pictures of trees.

Jeremy walked looking downward, and as he found rocks he picked them up and put them in his pockets. He filled all the pockets of his jacket so it was very heavy.

In the cottonwood trees, I walked looking upward at the their golden leaves. I took 10 good pictures with my phone. Then I took a nap on the ground.

Later we met back at the truck and we were both very happy and tired.

Q. What else do people collect? Do you collect anything?
Q. Go camping or watch a movie at home?

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