Bike rack’s life

Bike rack’s life

Topic: Life of a bike rack
Thesis: bike rack has a good life
Conclusion: take a break from everything and experience beauty as a bike rack does.

I. Thesis
II. good view
III. every day the same
IV. Conclusion

This bike rack almost never gets locked to a bike. The people at this building don’t ride bikes. Although it has no purpose, it still has a good life.

The bike rack has a good show to watch every night. When it gets dark in the evening, the lamp posts turn on automatically. They shine on the leaves of trees and cast shadows.

They stand in one place and look in one direction. They experience very little. Every day is the same for them. Maybe some will say that’s a boring life, but there is something attractive about that kind of life.

For a new perspective, try imagining being a bike rack. You may see something beautiful that you never noticed before.

Q. Tell me something about your life.
Q. Would you want every day to be the same?

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