nm sky

nm sky

Topic: NM sky
Thesis: cherish NM sky
Conclusion: may not always have it

I. Thesis
II. sky and air
III. sound
IV. Conclusion

There are many qualities about the high desert of New Mexico which I cherish. But when I have not been here for a long time, I miss most the NM sky and atmosphere.

At 1.5 km above sea level, Albuquerque is much closer to the sun. The sky is big and almost surrounds us. You can see 10 miles into the distance and the atmosphere moving across the vast, empty landscape.

The space and bare ground make sound more vibrant. The wind and the grinding sound of my shoes in the coarse granite carries clearly in the empty space, so it sounds like it’s next to my ear.

The wind, sound, light that I feel in New Mexico are distinct and only found here. I cherish the feeling whenever I am here, because I know I may not always be able to enjoy them.

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