Dog parks

Dog parks

Topic: Dog Park

Thesis: The dog park is good for both dogs and people.
Conclusion: If the city has an empty space and wants to put something there, they should consider a dog park.

I. Thesis
II. Dog parks help dogs
a. exercise off a leash
b. play with other dogs
III. Dog parks help people
a. dog lets out energy
b. socialize with other dog owners
IV. Conclusion

A dog park is a park for dogs to play off-leash. It has a fence around the park so the dogs don’t run away, and the dog owners can sit on benches and supervise. I will tell you why dog parks are good for both dogs and people.

Firstly, dog parks are good for dogs. Dogs benefit physically and mentally from being let outdoors. Dog parks are especially beneficial because the dogs have more freedom to run and play with other dogs.

Secondly, dog parks are good for the people who own the dogs. Dogs have a lot of energy, and it can take a lot of effort to play with your dog everyday. At the dog park, the dogs can play with each other and you can sit and socialize with other dog owners.

In conclusion, if my city has an empty space and wants to put something there, then I would suggest another dog park.

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