Other Minds II: Calhoun’s Mouse Experiment

Other Minds II: Calhoun’s Mouse Experiment

Do you like horror movies? How many personal relationships can you have? Why is this important? Are our phones changing our brains? Can you delete your facebook? What does Japan’s population pyramid look like?  Why is it different?

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One of the most well-known experiments to be done on mice was a study done in the 1960’s to learn how population affects social behavior.  Mice were kept in an enclosed space with unlimited food and water, and allowed to multiply.

The result was a collapse in normal behavior.  Some mice became aggressive and hyper-sexual.  Other mice became socially withdrawn, rarely leaving their apartments.  Mothers lost the instinct to care for their babies

Why did this happen? Social behavior is like a computer program that has been written and adapted over millions of years.  Mice are not programmed for living in crowded groups.

Some believe that this experiment predicts the future collapse of human society.  Human minds aren’t programmed for the way we live today.  Human behavior shows similar signs of collapse. 

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