My personal appearance

My personal appearance

What is your morning routine? Why is personal appearance important? Should bald people wear wigs? How does your personal appearance change? why? Does your family complain about your appearance? Are others’ looks important to you?

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Personal appearance is the way you look.  It can mean your hair, your clothes, or your body.  For most people, it’s very important.

My hair is thinning on top.  I guess I knew it was coming.  My grandfather was balder than a potato, and he said he lost all his hair when he was young.

My friend from college posted this selfie today, just before she cut off all her hair.  Her friends and family protested, but she said that the weather is too hot for long hair.

Personal appearance is important.  Sometimes you want to change the way you look.  Other times, other people want to change the way you look.

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