Role Models

Role Models

Who is your celebrity role model? What is a role model? Do you have smaller siblings? Are you a good role model? What are your strengths? Describe your favorite teacher at school. Why is he/she your favorite? Would you ever like to become a school teacher? why/why not?

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My student Sunny is 6 years old and lives in China.  I’ve taught her online for almost a year.  Her mom told me that she thinks of me like a big brother.

She drew this comic about me and her.  It feels strange to be looked up to by a child.  It’s nice, but it feels like a big responsibility to be someone’s role model.

One of the best teachers I ever had was Juliana Martinez.  She gave me Spanish lessons at her house.  I try to remember the way that she taught, and to teach in the same way.

Our role models influence us and challenge us.  We might be surprised to find that we are also someone else’s role model.

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