

Who did you help today? Do you follow the law?  Do you break small laws?  Do you break big laws? Are the Trung sisters outlaws?  How are they different from Billy the Kid? What is a bad law?

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Today I thought we might talk about outlaws.  It occured to me because a boy tried to steal my scooter yesterday.

He was very young when he began his outlaw life.  He was orphaned at 14, and arrested for the first time at 16.  He had stolen food.

He was later arrested again for stealing clothes and guns.  He escaped from jail and ran away to another city.  People started calling him “Billy the Kid”. 

The Trung sisters were 2 Vietnamese sisters who led a revolution after one of their husbands was executed under Chinese rule.  The Chinese military generals didn’t at first see them as a threat because they were women.

The sisters assembled a large army consisting mostly of women.  Within months, they had taken many (about 65) citadels from the Chinese.  They held power for 3 years before finally dying in battle.

An outlaw is someone who doesn’t obey the law.  Maybe there are good outlaws and bad outlaws?

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