How to manage stress

How to manage stress

What causes you stress? How can you reduce stress…by being active?…by connecting with others?…by making time for yourself? What can happen when someone gets too stressed?

Everyone deals with stress, and this lesson will give the students the opportunity to share what they know about stress in a natural conversation.

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Stress affects everyone.  Let’s talk about what it is and what to do about it.

When I’m working with other people, and they don’t treat me the same I get really angry.  It’s hard to say, “Hey, stupid!  Why are you treating me different?!”

Students sometimes end up in the news.  You see stories online about kids that have hurt themselves or others.

Stress helps us survive danger, like making us run faster or fight harder.  But in the modern day, stress usually isn’t caused by lions or bears.

I hope this helps you understand stress a little bit better.  Managing stress keeps your heart and mind healthy.

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