My Precious Possessions

My Precious Possessions

What are possessions? What do you have …that cost money… that was a special gift…that you need? What is more precious than any possession?

My student told me about a pair of boots that her brother had bought for her. They meant a lot to her, because she knew that he’d paid a lot for them. This topic will be kind of like a show and tell.

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When I move, I pack everything into 3 boxes.  Out of everything I have, these are my most precious things.

First, my silk bandana.  I bought it in Hanoi from an old weaver.  We went to his house.  It was like travelling into the past and bringing back an ancient treasure.

Inside my violin, you can look in the hole and see a written message.  The man who made the violin wrote that message for his son.

Last, I have my books, pens and papers.  My cousin once asked me why I write in a journal.  I think better on paper.

Those are my most precious things, but things are just things, and I can find more.  Take care to never lose your health!

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