How To Stay Safe

How To Stay Safe

What do you worry about? How can you stay safe…when driving in the city…when caring for a baby…when going to a party? Who can you call for help?

This topic is easy to talk about because many obvious ideas easily come to mind, and anything can be a good answer.

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I think I’m a pretty cautious person, but sometimes others think I take too many risks.  This lesson is about how to stay safe.

I almost lost my job the other day, and so now I’m thinking it will be safer to have more than one job.  I’m going to search for second job.

Another way I want to be safer is with my health.  I should adopt new habits to stay healthy, and have a plan for when I might get hurt.

Finally, I’m cautious about who I choose to be friends with.  I try to ask myself, “Is this person selfish?  Do they care about me?”.

Maybe it’s not good to always focus on what could go wrong.  But think a little and you’ll be a lot more safe.

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